Resources for Matlab simscape
After meetings with the supervisor and co-supervisor, a decision was made to utilize Matlab Simulink and its Simscape toolbox for robot simulation. The supervisor provided some important links for the team member to examine regarding the integration of SolidWorks and Simulink using the Simscape Multibody Link add-on. This add-on allows for importing and exporting SolidWorks models to and from the Simulink environment, which can then be used to simulate and analyze the behavior of the robot. The team member will need to review these resources and gain familiarity with the Simulink and Simscape environments to effectively use this approach for their robot simulation.
Multibody dynamics -
How to determine the stiffness and damping parameters for contact force in simulation. -
Simscape multiboy Multiphysics library-
Defining the parts of multibody simulation. -
How to build a model -;jsessionid=1c67c5cd9f85ec4269cae4a3f8cb
After conducting research, the individual found useful resources regarding the connection between SolidWorks and Matlab for the purpose of simulating their robot in the Simulink environment. One of the resources was a website with information on the SolidWorks-Matlab link.
Enable Simscape multibody link plugin in Solidwork. -
Importing CAD Assemblies into Simscape Multiby. -
Solidwork. -
Simscape Multiboy link. -
It has discovered some helpful examples to enhance their understanding of Matlab simscape and to gain knowledge about balancing robots. They have identified several tutorials to follow closely in order to develop their skills in these areas.
Modelling and simulation of walking robots. -
Multibody dynamics. -
Train biped robot to walk using reinforcement learning agents. -
Running robot model in simscape. -
Get started with simscape multibody. -
There are some helpful resources for their project, including the Matlab simscape, Solidwork, and ROS Gazebo. They also discovered a website that details how to connect Solidwork and Matlab for simulation. Additionally, they found some useful tutorials and examples to help them develop their skills in Matlab simscape and learn more about balancing robots.